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英文名 N-Bromoacetamide
中文名 N-溴代乙酰胺
类型 脂肪族化合物
CAS号 79-15-2
物理性质 M 138.0, m 102-105℃, 107-109℃, 108℃(anhydrous).
提纯方法 A possible contaminant is CH3CONBr2. Recrystallise it from CHCl3/hexane (1:1, seed if necessary) or water and dry over CaCl2. It is a brominating agent. [Oliveto & Gerold Org Synth Coll Vol IV 104 1963.] Alternatively, dissolve it in the minimum volume of warm H2O (60℃), then cool in an ice bath, collect the crystals and dry them in an anhydrous atmosphere, dissolve in Et2O, chill and evaporate till crystallisation. Dry the crystals in vacuo at 25℃, then at 45℃(m 108℃). Crystallise from CHCl3(m 103℃). Estimate the available Br iodometrically [Buckles et al. J Org Chem 23 483 1958]. [Beilstein 2 H 181, 2 I 82, 2 II 180, 2 III 406, 2 IV 417.]
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