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当前位置: 首页 > 原料供应 > FLUORESCEIN SODIUM 反馈纠错 帮助中心 打印
原料中文名称 荧光素钠
英文别名 Acid Yellow 73~C.I. 45350; C.I. 45350; Fluorescein Sodium Salt; Uranine; Fluorescein disodium salt hydrate; C.I. Acid Yellow 73; Acid Yellow 73 (C.I.); disodium 2-(3-oxo-6-oxidoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate; Fluorescein; Acid Yellow 73; Uranin; 11824 yellow; 12417 yellow; ful-glo; funduscein; furanium; hidacid uranine; Soap yellow; C.I. 45350 sodium salt; sodium fluoresceinate; fluorescein sodium b.p; sodium salt of hydroxy-o-carboxy-phenyl-fluorone; resorcinol phthalein sodium; Fluorescein,sodium derivative,sodium salt; Soluble fluorescein; Uranine A Extra; Uranine K; Uranine O; Uranine SS; Uranine USP XII; Uranine WSS; Uranine Yellow; Yellow no. 8; 3',6'-Dihydroxy-spiro[3H-isobenzofuran-1,9'-xanthen]-3-one disodium salt; 3',6'-dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-(9H)xanthene]-3-one,disodium salt; 3,6-Dihydroxyxanthene-9-spiro-1'-3'H-isobenzofuran-3'-one; 3,6-Dihydroxyxanthene-9-spiro-1'-3'H-isobenzofuran-3'-one dipotassium salt; 3,6-Dihydroxyxanthene-9-spiro-1'-3'H-isobenzofuran-3'-one disodium salt; 9-(o-Carboxyphenyl)-3,6-dihydroxyxanthylium dipotassium salt; 9-(o-Carboxyphenyl)-3,6-dihydroxyxanthylium disodium salt; 9-o-carboxyphenyl-6-hydroxy-3-isoxanthone,disodium salt; Acid Yellow 73; aizen uranine; Dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-(9H)xanthen]-3-one disodium salt; disodium 6-hydroxy-3-oxo-9-xanthene-o-benzoate; calcocid uranine b4315; certiqual fluoresceine; C.I. 45350 disodium salt; C.I. 766; d&c yellow no. 8; fluorescein,disodium salt; fluorescein,water soluble; Fluorescein W/S; fluor-i-strip a.t.; Fluorone
中文别名 荧光红;荧光红钠;荧光黄钠;荧光素二钠;荧光素钠盐;萤光橙红钠;萤光素二钠
化学名称 disodium;3-oxospiro[2-benzofuran-1,9'-xanthene]-3',6'-diolate
分子式 C20H10Na2O5
分子量 376.27
CAS号 518-47-8
EINECS编号 暂无权限
结构式图片 暂无权限
美国DMF登记 暂无权限
企业名称 Siegfried Ltd
地址 Untere Bruehlstrasse 4 Ch-4800 Zofingen
国家/地区 瑞士
公司官网 暂无权限
公司联系电话 暂无权限
公司邮箱 暂无权限
公司简介 With Siegfried as preferred partner, our customers can expect significant benefits. Bringing together our long-standing pharma and chemical heritage, we offer as an integrated supplier benefit to our customers with more synergy, expertise and value. Explore more about how our broad range of custom development services, drug substance & drug product manufacturing capabilities, together with our existing product portfolio may help you achieve greater value.
备注 若未能联系上供应商,可在药智通发布求购信息(https://s.yaozh.com/Purchase/release),或联系药智通客服17318480790(微信同号)
