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原料品名 Acetohydroxamic Acid
原料中文名称 醋羟胺酸
英文别名 ACETOHYDROXAMIC ACID; ACETYL HYDROXYAMINE; N-ACETYLHYDROXYLAMINE; N-HYDROXYACETAMIDE; Acetamide,N-hydroxy-; acethydroxamsaeure; Acethydroxamsaure; Acetic acid, oxime; aceticacid,oxime; acetohydroxamicacid(INN); Acetohydroxamsαure; Acetohydroximic acid; acetohydroximicacid; Acetyl hydroxyamino; Acetylhydroxamic acid; acetylhydroxamicacid; AHA; cetohyroxamic acid; Hydroxylamine, N-Acetyl-
中文别名 醋羟胺酸;醋羟胺酸(菌石通);乙酰氧肟酸(级);醋羟胺酸;乙酰氧肟酸;N-羟基乙酰胺;醋羟胺酸;乙酰氧肟酸;乙酰异羟肟酸;菌石通
化学名称 N-hydroxyacetamide
分子式 C2H5NO2
分子量 75.07
CAS号 546-88-3
EINECS编号 暂无权限
结构式图片 暂无权限
产品质检报告 暂无权限
企业类型 生产商
地址 32 Rue Lavoisier 91710 Vert Le Petit - France
国家/地区 法国
公司官网 暂无权限
公司联系电话 暂无权限
公司邮箱 暂无权限
公司简介 PMC Isochem offers custom manufacturing (CDMO) and catalogue products. Our primary market is the manufacture of cGMP intermediates, active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and excipients for Pharmaceutical companies worldwide. ​ PMC Isochem mission is to add value to the intellectual property of our clients by constant innovation. We innovate with new manufacturing techniques for sophisticated chemical intermediates, active ingredients and excipients. We innovate throughout the whole life cycle, from the development, through the commercial launch up to the generic stage. We commit to deliver value to our clients through the complete understanding of the customer’s key expectations. It enables us to build step by step a close and win/win relationship. ​ ​We strive to build strong long term relationships with our employees based on trust, respect and engagement, improving skills and expertise and offering them a good home for their career.​ We dedicate ourselves to the sustainability of our operations by fully integrating our locations in their local communities in complete transparency of open communication with environment agencies, authorities and neighbours alike​.
备注 若未能联系上供应商,可在药智通发布求购信息(https://a.d4t.cn/GbmkGL),或联系药智通客服17318480790(微信同号)
