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当前位置: 首页 > 原料供应 > DICHLORALPHENAZONE 反馈纠错 帮助中心 打印
原料中文名称 氯醛比林
中文别名 氯醛比林
化学名称 1,5-dimethyl-2-phenylpyrazol-3-one;2,2,2-trichloroethane-1,1-diol
分子式 C15H18Cl6N2O5
分子量 519.03
CAS号 480-30-8
EINECS编号 暂无权限
结构式图片 暂无权限
美国DMF登记 暂无权限
企业名称 Cyalume Specialty Products, Inc
地址 910 Se 17Th Street,Suite 301 In Fort Lauderdale,Florida 33316.
国家/地区 美国
公司官网 暂无权限
公司联系电话 暂无权限
公司邮箱 暂无权限
公司简介 You may have known us over the last 40 years as the world leader in chemical light solutions and we continue to be that today providing light sticks, chemi-luminescent ammunition and infra-red devices to the US and NATO military forces, other commercial and law enforcement markets. We are proud of our heritage and work every day to continue to serve those customers. Today’s Cyalume is so much more than just light sticks! We are an FDA approved manufacturer of API components for the pharmaceutical industry and produce complex long chain polymers that are used in a wide array of final applications ranging from the F35 Joint Strike Fighter to a coating for implantable medical devices and many more as well. We pride ourselves on working with our business partners to take on tough challenges and deliver innovative solutions and products. Years ago the phrase “CYALUME .. IT’S NOT JUST BRIGHT .. IT’S BRILLIANT” was coined with reference to our light stick business but we have taken that same thought and applied it to our other businesses and products so we believe that it is just as applicable today as it was many years ago. We look forward to the opportunity to work with new clients on new thoughts and ideas to ensure that the phrase continues to shine brightly.
备注 若未能联系上供应商,可在药智通发布求购信息(https://a.d4t.cn/GbmkGL),或联系药智通客服17318480790(微信同号)
