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原料品名 Amiloride HCL
原料中文名称 盐酸阿米洛利
英文别名 Amiloride Hydrochloride; Amiloride HCl
中文别名 阿米洛利; 盐酸氨氯吡咪; 氨氯吡咪
化学名称 3,5-diamino-6-chloro-N-(diaminomethylidene)pyrazine-2-carboxamide;hydrochloride
分子式 C6H9Cl2N7O
分子量 230.63496
CAS号 2016-88-8
EINECS编号 暂无权限
结构式图片 暂无权限
欧盟CEP登记 暂无权限
企业名称 Olon S.p.A.
企业类型 生产商
地址 Strada Rivoltana,Km 6/7 – 20053 Rodano (Mi) – Italy
国家/地区 意大利
公司官网 暂无权限
公司联系电话 暂无权限
公司邮箱 暂无权限
公司简介 Olon is an Italian company world leader in the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) production, using synthetic and biological processes for Generic market as well as in Contract Development and Manufacturing (CDMO).Headquartered in Rodano (Italy), Olon has 11 manufacturing facilities – 8 located in Italy, 1 in Spain, 1 in USA and 1 in India, all compliant with international requirements, and 3 branch offices. Olon offers complete integrated packages and services to support the full development of APIs based on strong knowledge in both, Chemical and Biological processes, in a full cGMPs environment including a complete regulatory coverage.
备注 若未能联系上供应商,可在药智通发布求购信息(https://a.d4t.cn/GbmkGL),或联系药智通客服17318480790(微信同号)
