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类型 题目 来源 阅读全文
Safety news Influenza vaccine (Fluvax®): not to be used in children under five WHO Drug Information,2014,28,3 查看
Regulatory news EMA recommendations on seasonal influenza vaccine composition WHO Drug Information,2014,28,2 查看
Regulatory Action and News Pandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1): withdrawal of marketing authorization application WHO Drug Information,2011,25,1 查看
Regulatory Action and News International biosafety guidelines for influenza vaccine production WHO Drug Information,2005,19,4 查看
Regulatory Action Northern hermisphere influenza vaccine composition 2005/2006 WHO Drug Information,2005,19,1 查看
Regulatory and Safety Action Recommended influenza vaccine 2004–2005 WHO Drug Information,2004,18,1 查看
Regulatory and Safety Action Recommended influenza vaccine for 2004 (Southern hemisphere) WHO Drug Information,2003,17,4 查看
Regulatory and Safety Action Influenza vaccine composition: Northern hemisphere WHO Drug Information,2003,17,1 查看
Regulatory and Safety Matters Northern hemisphere influenza vaccine composition WHO Drug Information,2000,14,4 查看
Regulatory and Safety Matters Northern hemisphere influenza vaccine WHO Drug Information,2000,14,1 查看
Regulatory and Safety Matters Southern hemisphere influenza vaccine: 2000 WHO Drug Information,1999,13,3 查看
Regulatory Matters Northern hemisphere influenza vaccine 1999–2000 WHO Drug Information,1999,13,2 查看
Regulatory Matters Influenza vaccine formulations for 1994 WHO Drug Information,1994,08,1 查看
Reports on Individual Drugs Influenza vaccine: further reassurance regarding adverse effects WHO Drug Information,1993,07,4 查看
General Information Influenza vaccine composition for 1987-88 WHO Drug Information,1987,01,3 查看