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英文名 Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid
英文别名 'diisooctyl' phosphate
类型 有机金属化合物
CAS号 298-07-7
物理性质 M 322.4, m -60℃,b 209℃/10mm, d420 0.965, pKEst ~1.7.
提纯方法 Contaminants of commercial samples include the monoester, polyphosphates, pyrophosphate, 2-ethylhexanol and metal impurities. Dissolve the acid in n-hexane to give an 0.8M solution. Wash this with an equal volume of M HNO3, then with saturated (NH4)2CO3 solution, with 3M HNO3, and twice with water [Petrow & Allen Anal Chem 33 1303 1961]. Similarly, the impure sodium salt, after scrubbing with pet ether, is acidified with HCl and the free organic acid is extracted into pet ether and purified as above [Peppard et al. J Inorg Nucl Chem 7 231 1958], or as described by Stewart & Crandall [J Am Chem Soc 73 1377 1951]. It can be purified via its copper salt [McDowell et al. J Inorg Nucl Chem 38 2127 1976]. [Beilstein 1 IV 1796.]
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