英文名 | Chloroacetone |
类型 | 脂肪族化合物 |
CAS号 | 78-95-5 |
物理性质 | M 92.5, b 61℃/50mm, 119℃/763mm, d420 1.15. |
提纯方法 | Dissolve it in water and shake it repeatedly with small amounts of diethyl ether which extracts, preferentially, 1,1-dichloroacetone present as an impurity. The chloroacetone is then extracted from the aqueous phase using a large amount of diethyl ether, and distilled at slightly reduced pressure. It is dried with CaCl2 and stored at Dry-ice temperature. Alternatively, it was stood over CaSO4, distilled and stored over CaSO4. It is steam volatile. The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone forms yellow needles from EtOH with m 120℃ or 124℃. [Beilstein 1 IV 3215.] |
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