英文名 | Acetaldehyde |
中文名 | 乙醛 |
类型 | 脂肪族化合物 |
CAS号 | 75-07-0 |
物理性质 | M 44.1, b 20.2℃, d420 0.788, nD25 1.33113, pK25 13.57 (hydrate). |
提纯方法 | Acetaldehyde is usually purified by fractional distillation in a glass helices-packed column under dry N2, discarding the first portion of distillate. Or, it is shaken for 30 minutes with NaHCO3, dried with CaSO4 and fractionally distilled at 760 mm through a 70 cm Vigreux column (p 11). The middle fraction is collected and further purified by standing for 2 hours at 0℃ with a small amount of hydroquinone (free radical inhibitor), followed by distillation [Longfield & Walters J Am Chem Soc 77 810 1955]. [Beilstein 1 IV 3094.] |
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