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(NDA) 018343 001 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 50MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1982-01-01 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 002 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 25MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1982-01-01 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 003 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 100MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1982-01-01 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 004 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 150MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1995-06-13 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 005 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 12.5MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1985-01-17 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 006 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 37.5MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1986-09-17 Yes No DISCN
(NDA) 018343 007 CAPOTEN CAPTOPRIL 卡托普利 TABLET;ORAL 75MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** STRIDES PHARMA 1995-06-13 Yes No DISCN